Service Blueprints: Mapping Employee Experiences
Eight working sessions to map internal processes behind six “sub-journeys” and prioritize work across the customer experience.
Now that the cross-functional Customer Satisfaction team has a comprehensive map from the customer perspective, how do we leverage employee knowledge to address the most painful parts?
8 workshop sessions with multidisciplinary stakeholders who were responsible for delivering sub-journey (ex. bill pay) improvements
~5 interviews per sub-journey with SMEs to build out a draft of the service blueprint (I personally conducted >20).
Identification of “design criteria” to inform later ideation
“Swim-lane”, service blueprint-style maps of select sub-journeys
Action plans to address opportunities in each sub-journey
Consolidated action plans
Sub-journey leaders left the final session with…
A clear understanding of which experience improvements they were going to own in 2024, and how that work fit into the bigger picture
A neatly packaged Mural file including all of their specific opportunity areas, relevant employee/customer sub-journeys, and guiding design principles